At the clothes shop
- Shop assistant: Hello. Can I help you?
- Customer: Hi. Yes, I’m looking for a T-shirt.
- SA: It’s your lucky day, because today all T-shirts are half-price.
- C: Great. Have you got any summer T-shirts? I mean in bright colours.
- SA: Of course. What size are you?
- C: Medium.
- SA: There you go.
- C: Where are the changing rooms?
- SA: Over there. Let me know if you need anything else.
- C: OK.
- after some time
- C: I really like this yellow T-shirt. Have you got matching flip-flops?
- SA: I’ll bring them in a second. What’s your size?
- C: It’s 6.
- SA: Here you are.
- C: Thank you. I’ll take them. How much do I pay?
- SA: A yellow T-shirt and matching flip-flops… £32, 50. Cash or credit card?
- C: Credit card.
- SA: Thank you. I put the receipt in the bag.
- C: Thank you. Bye.
- SA: Have a nice day. Bye, bye.
Useful phrases:
- Can I help you? – Mogę w czymś pomóc?
- I’m looking for… - Szukam …
- What size are you? / What’s your size? – Jaki jest Pani / Pana rozmiar?
- Where are the changing rooms? – Gdzie są przymierzalnie?
- I’ll take them. – Wezmę je.
- How much do I pay? – Ile płacę?
See also: