In the supermarket
- Customer: Good morning.
- Shop assistant: Good morning. How can I help you?
- C: I need some fresh goat’s milk and one kilo of apples.
- SA: I’m afraid we only have cow’s milk, but I can order some if you’d like.
- C: No, that won’t be necessary. I’ll take what you have.
- SA: Anything else?
- C: Yes, I also need some meat. Have you got minced meat?
- SA: Yes, of course. Beef or pork?
- C: Beef, please.
- SA: Is that all?
- C: One more thing. I need some coffee.
- SA: Instant or ground?
- C: Ground.
- SA: There you go.
- C: Thank you. How much will that be?
- SA: £17,34.
- C: Here is £20.
- SA: Thank you. Here is your change.
- C: Thanks. Goodbye.
- SA: See you.
Useful phrases:
- How can I help you? – W czym mogę pomóc?
- I need … - Potrzebuję …
- Anything else? – Coś jeszcze?
- Is that all? – Czy to wszystko?
- There you go. / Here you are. – Proszę. (przy podawaniu czegoś)
- How much will that be? – Ile to będzie kosztować?
- Here is your change. – Oto Pańska reszta.